聽見、聞到、觸摸、喝掉、創造影像 ......。
At the exhibition, the space is a giant camera; the viewers are photons suspending in the space. From the outside in, they go through light, scene, lens, aperture, mirror, focus, shutter, image sensor and finally imaging.
However, there is no story. All the scenery is not given by the creators but from each viewer's own life course. Thus, at the same moment all the scenery is exposed to entirely different images on different individuals.
"If you meet your friends, lover, family, or even the long-lost yourself in a picture, please remember to greet them and press the shutter button to image this piece of scenery in your heart."
00-09這件作品將讓觀者躺進棺材之中,透過內部聲光裝置來閉著眼睛檢視回憶風景。在棺材裡,睜開眼睛只能看見幾何線條的跳動,然而卻在閉上雙眼後,光影成了畫布,聲音則為畫筆,慢慢勾勒出城市、人、樹林、湖泊... 任憑自己的感官摸索另一個世界。順著時間流逝,觀者最終將被帶往一片無邊際的寧靜,而在那裡又將凝視著什麼?
Everyone can get into the coffin once in a lifetime but is hardly likely to come out of it. If there is a chance to revive, what kind of memories do you want to take away? Or what kind of landscapes on the verge of oblivion will be evoked?
00-09 is the final element of RE-FORGET, the belonging of all of scenery. The viewers will lie in an art installation coffin, watching an experimental movie with eyes closed. In the coffin, the viewers can only see some beating geometric lines with their eyes open. After they close their eyes, light becomes the canvas and voices and sounds turn into the brushes, slowly sketching the contours of the city, people, woods, lakes.... Just follow their senses to explore another world. As time passes by, the views will eventually be taken to boundless tranquility. What will they stare at over there?
人權。女性主義。 LGBT 。階級意識。歷史包袱。信仰。社會創傷。環境安全。反資本。戰爭。獨立。革命。種族衝突。人性。死亡。平等。教育。家庭暴力。繁衍。情慾。激進份子。消費文化。宗教系統 …
Human Rights, Feminism, LGBT, Class Consciousness, Historical Burden, Religions, Social Trauma, Environmental Security, Anti-capitalism, Wars, Independence, Revolution, Ethnic Conflict, Humanity, Death, Equality, Education, Domestic Violence, Reproduction, Lust, Militants, Consumer Culture, Religious System...
This Space, Zero Issues.
When the hustle and bustle no longer exist, what would we see in the silence?
▌創作者 : 寧森
▌策展人 : 呂祐佳