
100 rolls of film, interpreting 100 words, stemming from 100 individual lives... unconsciously forming a conscious poem. N15-07 is a collective artwork involving a hundred participants. Those involved in the N15-07 art project each receive "one word" and "one roll of film." They then continue the chain by adding the next word and interpreting it onto the roll of film. In this process, the film isn't merely a photographic medium; the photosensitive material captures not just imagery but perhaps the scent of time, memories of life, forgotten recollections, exposed desires, and more. It's like carving one's mark on a blank canvas, with burn marks, scratches, punctures, added objects, or even immersing the film in urine. Ultimately, a new landscape emerges through the interplay of developing and fixing agents.
During the creative process, participants are strangers to one another and have no idea where their contribution falls in the sequence. It's only on the day of the exhibition that the intersections of these 100 rolls of film converge within N15-07, forming a poem. This poem lacks punctuation; each viewer can choose how to segment it, creating a personal "film poem."


所 有 參 與 者 的 故 事 :

參與名單| 浩興 素瑩 TL 周典弟弟 Vincent Dora Bin yao Eting Liao Majaja 邱慧珊 Ziga Tanzie 蔡明燁 吳端盛 與 。人 Arrow 洪金煌 李宛青 陳昀婕 張維元 Li Meng-Han 隔牆花 Gina Tai 林怡潔 nio ni Junghsuan chen 沙子 阿蕉 催化劑 HsinHsiang Kuo 陳奕凱 白孟穎 Hung JenJen 淋雨 鄧丹妮 JJJJungle 膜幻森 林彎真 sianin 蕭淑乙 郭彥彣 林家立 RUZHENTSAI 大叔給糖吃 黃左 洪苡錚 黃卜 蔣孝萱 littlered GreenTea 李浚瑋 缺席 念著倒准不 王駝 楊飄 李郁行 Dee Elliott Pale H.Yun Tseng Lucy Rose Phoebe deer 高子淩 胡雅淇 黃千浩 芳安 葉元兆 林泰州 林軍凱 黃郁傑 Eric Chen 許文昱 Snoopy Chen 缺席 胡文淵 呂鴻婕 賴泓綱 缺席 許翰殷 郭世謀 邱顯源 林言欣 王品人 陳昭吟 石立瑜 蒙威齊 Jou-Hsuan 管理員 謝傳蕓 邱仲齊 周冠任 童筱絜 69 林哲逸 Jennifer Feng 塗雅晴 林佩穎 Fisher Peng 寶寶 鍾錦安 eg