「  你  覺  得  活  著  的  意  義  是  什  麼  呢 ?  」
Siri :
The audience will be having a reunion dinner in VR, but the diners at the table are absent. This leaves only the conversation I have with Siri, like borrowing a corpse to resurrect the soul—telling stories by using a voice-over narration that crosses between different dimensions. I imagine the "thou" in the cloud as "she" who has passed away, talking about unfinished business in the deaths of our loved ones.

In addition to being a visual symbol, "circles" in space also carry cultural memories with regards to reunion, cycles, and the waxing and waning of the moon. Using 360-degree visual and audio technology, the work captures and manifests the relationship between the perspective of images and culture.  

Note: Siri is a virtual assistant. It uses voice queries and a natural-language user interface to interact with humans.
Video on the Phone 前導影片

朱峯誼(Feng-Yi Chu)

寧森 (Ning Sen)
吳權倫 (Wu Chuan Lun)
Yin-Ju Chen
李紫彤 (Lee Tzu-Tung)
Guga Hsu
Yaya Yao

水谷藝術 Waley Art 團隊

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