噪 咖 採 訪 剪 輯 版 本 ( 你敢體驗死亡的感覺嗎 九歷程讓你領悟生命 )

死在展場 | 寧森個展
哲學家海德格(Martin Heidegger)曾說:人是「向死亡存在」(sein zum tode)的此在者。彷彿,人若不是為了死而活著,至少也是向著死而活著。[1]
[1]《死亡神學》,魏連嶽 著,校園書房,2016/03/01
[2] 九相圖是一種日本繪畫題材,是按墓園九相去繪畫9個屍體腐化的過程。
[2] 九相圖是一種日本繪畫題材,是按墓園九相去繪畫9個屍體腐化的過程。

Re-Die | Ning Sen Solo Exhibition
Philosopher Martin Heidegger once said, "Man is the 'being-toward-death' (sein zum Tode). As if, if one is not living for the sake of death, at least one is living toward death."
In this solo exhibition, the artist uses his personal experiences to initiate a series of questions about our behaviors when facing imminent death. The new works consistently employ various visual techniques he excels at to lead viewers into imagining death. The exhibition focuses on four pieces: "Death," "Passing," "Dance," and "Flight." Through virtual reality, viewers are able to experience the sensations of impending death. The NINE STAGES OF DECAY [1] is reproduced and simulated for a direct tactile experience, stimulating the visual senses to imagine the facets of death. Finally, the artist employs confessional means to express insights into death. The intention is for viewers to follow the sequence of observation, confronting death, contemplating death, and ultimately embracing death. The artist deliberately creates an atmosphere of death throughout the exhibition, using the artworks step by step to bring viewers into the closest possible proximity with death. All the works exist because of the viewers, allowing them to temporarily depart from reality, to see death in the silence, to enjoy solitude within death. Thus, death is no longer a topic of inexplicable fear, but rather a multi-layered artistic experience.
[1] The "NINE STAGES OF DECAY" is a Japanese painting theme that depicts the process of decay of nine corpses according to the nine stages in a cemetery.