
"N1702" depicts the nine stages of decay, drawing its essence from the "Nine Contemplations" in Buddhist. It reflects the progression of a body's decomposition. This concept entails observing the nine sequential transitions from a fresh corpse to its return to nature. Originating from a Buddhist meditation practice, it emphasizes contemplation of the unattractive forms of a corpse, aiming to detach from attachment and attain ultimate liberation.
However, "N1702" does not directly replicate the historical "Nine Stages of Decay" or portray the decomposition of aesthetically pleasing corpses, nor does it pursue the eradication of desire. Rather, the artwork features gender-ambiguous human forms entwined in intimacy, merging death and desire in a state of slumber. Through this piece, an attempt is made to portray the harmonious beauty emerging from the fusion of death and desire. In this context, both death and sexuality are presented in their raw forms, challenging the pillars of human survival – labor and production. This juxtaposition has rendered them taboo within society. Nonetheless, with the emergence of any taboo, the seeds of its dissolution are often sown. Furthermore, transgressing these taboos doesn't solely pursue sensual pleasure; it can encompass the ultimate exploration of life's essence.
This work extends beyond static two-dimensional imagery. The suspended images are encircled by an opaque black fabric, permitting only one viewer at a time to partake in each contemplative phase. This arrangement is pivotal in the visualization of intertwined representations of death and desire. When viewed from a distance, the blurred yet colorful flesh conjures an open visual experience, invoking feelings of the unknown, fear, provocation, unrest, and even aesthetics. A halo of light descends onto the canvas, infusing it with hues, crafting an illusion that appears elusive to direct perception. This prompts viewers to engage actively and decipher the concealed messages embedded within the composition. Fingertips traverse the blurry focal plane, with perception and touch simultaneously delving into the truth of death, akin to a form of enlightenment, a shift in psychological state. Simultaneously, the senses and cognition meld, transitioning between blurred and clear, localized and expansive, present and past, traversing diverse focal planes.